Becoming a Team Again

Online Couples Coaching & Marriage Coaching

Creating a safe haven for reconnection through couples coaching

Loving relationships and supportive partnerships are built on foundations of security and trust. But sometimes life’s challenges demand so much attention and energy that they test the bonds of strong relationships over time.

You and your partner may feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions. The stress and exhaustion of everyday life is real. Through this work, you can forge a new path together or navigate a compassionate approach to part ways.

Together we can use a blend of evidence-based approaches in couples coaching to create a secure space to reconnect and become a strong team again, whether it’s as a unified couple or as co-parents.

It can be difficult when you and your partner

  • Disagree on how to spend (or save) money
  • Approach parenting or discipline differently
  • Have mismatched expectations around chores and responsibilities
  • Miss the days when things were simpler
  • Have added caregiving, financial, personal, or work stressors
  • Wish to reduce the tension in your home

Empowering couples to navigate challenges together

There’s no doubt that mid-life is full of responsibilities, including careers, raising children, caregiving for aging parents, running a household, and then some. At times, we become overwhelmed with the numerous everyday obligations or even painful experiences or trauma.

This can short-circuit our ability to process decisions or communicate with our partner. As each partner deals with overload on their own, it can feel lonely, rocky, or even adversarial.

When we explore how the brain and body work during times of great stress, we can untangle our reflexes and become empowered with thoughtful and compassionate communication. By using several science-backed modalities, we can create that safe and loving environment so you can align yourselves together to navigate life’s challenges going forward – and discover joy again.

Convenient online relationship coaching for privacy and convenience

Our personal relationships are such a critical part of our overall wellness, yet it can be difficult to create space for safe and candid conversations.

Thankfully, these online relationship coaching sessions are conducted virtually so you can find the privacy that you need, especially if you are living with children or other family members.

Do couples have to attend together?

Because you can attend couples coaching from anywhere in the world, individuals can connect to couples counseling without having to be in the same place at the same time.